Making a Move...

Today was one of the hardest days that I've had in a long time. Today we told our church family that we are moving to Indiana this summer. I'm very excited about what the Lord has in store, but it is also very hard to think about leaving so many close friends. God has been so good to us while we have lived here . How do you tell people that you love that you are leaving? I couldn't find an easy way to do it. We have spent over 13 years with our church family laughing, and singing, and ministering together. And lots of eating too! And every now and then there was some crying and lots of praying. When you go through so many events with your church family, it brings you close. And yet, when God is calling, we must follow . In my heart I know that staying when God said to move, would only bring difficulty. And I also know that this move isn't just about our family serving in a new place, but also someone new serving here. I know that God has great things in store ...