Maybe You're Not So Smart...

I am amazed with technology. This week I've been playing with Google Chrome and Unity through VMware fusion. Some really amazing stuff. But this isn't a tech post. What amazes me is that for all of the smart people in this world, when God wrote the word a few thousand years ago he knew what we would never know.

We can try to define when life begins, and we can break things down to a molecular level. But here's a reminder that God is God and we are not...

Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.

When does the spirit invade the body? Only God knows. Literally. On this side of heaven, this is something that we will never know - no matter how smart we get. This is a reminder that God is great and glorious and worthy of our adoration.

Lord, let us revel in Your power and knowledge and bring the nations together for Your adoration.


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