A BIG Thank you to everyone who has been praying. Please continue to pray, God has been answering in a big way. We both now have jobs, we have an apartment, and we hope to close on our house at the end of the month.
I talked with Betty at Hawthorn and said that her daughter knows some of your team who are attending their church until the plant gets going. Small world, eh?
I've had a lot of fun giving away music throughout the year, but what's amazing is how many times no one would take me up on the offer. So with all the money I've saved, I'm going to try giving away two album downloads on iTunes. Of course, as with all giveaways, there is a catch. Here's this one... This giveaway will be a drawing. In order to participate you need to share what you think is your favorite song or favorite album that you heard in 2008 . (The song/album can be from any year, but this year is when you really came to enjoy it.) You will need to post your comments on the blog -- facebook comments won't count. I will draw from the names next Tuesday, December 23rd, and the two winners will receive one free email gift certificate for $10 from iTunes for the music of YOUR CHOICE . So you can get an album or you can choose 10 different songs if you wish. Here's my favorite album of the year: Room to Breathe from Andy Gullahorn . This album is...
It's been about 13 years, but my wife and I are moving again. This time we're taking along a couple of kids that we picked up in that last 13. There are tons of emotions, lots to do and very little time to accomplish it all. (Sorry, but the blog has to suffer - it's just not that high on the priority list right now) We are headed to Noblesville, Indiana . We are going to help start a new Free Will Baptist Church on the North East corner of Indianapolis. The name of the church is The Heights . We are so excited about the promise of this new beginning. We are being joined by 3 other families. Kevin and Debbie Scott: Kevin and Debbie went to FWBBC with me and Wendy. They have 3 kids, and are hosting the initial church services in their home. Their hospitality is amazing. Kenny and Anna Panduku: We just met Kenny and Anna for the first time this past week. They opened up their home to us, and Isaiah was thrilled to watch the NCAA championship on Kenny's "fa...
I don't know anything about Carl Trueman, but JT (Justin Taylor) from Between Two Worlds has highlighted a couple of his posts these past few days. Here's what's scary... It appears Mr. Trueman and I were watching the same edition of the Rachel Maddow Show and it stirred both of us the same way. He wrote this piece after watching that show. I wrote my own "Troubled" parts 1 and 2 after I saw the show. I have been really thinking about what I see because of this incident and lo and behold Mr. Trueman has another post, Goodbye Larry King and Hello Jerry Springer , and it is exactly what I've been thinking. He words it so well. I wish I could have done the same. Here are a couple of quotes... What is becoming increasingly clear is that the day is probably not far off when those who regard homosexual practice as wrong will be consistently presented as the moral, cultural and intellectual equivalents of white supremacists... You can have the hippest soul patch i...