What Will You Be Doing at His Coming?

From today's reading:

1 John 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.

Have you ever wondered what you'll be doing when the Lord returns? All of this talk of Advent has me thinking about the Lord's coming. How will I be found? I hope I'll be found watching and working for His Kingdom to come.

I remember Bro. Swain leading this old hymn in my church home back in Decatur, but the words still ring true...

"Oh can we say we are ready brother, ready for the soul's bright home? Say will he find you and me still watching? Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come."

Lord, help me to watch and work and wait for Your kingdom.


Jeff Myers said…
I'll probably be found writing my blog or reading yours.
Unknown said…
Chances are good that I'll be reading yours or writing mine too.

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