Favorites of 2008

(Here's Last Year's Favorites, just in case you are interested.)

Here are some of my favorites from 2008...

Favorite Blog:
www.smashingmagazine.com - This has to be the most incredible design site for anyone who works with the web. I've really enjoyed it this year.

Favorite Coffee:
I've really started liking Folger's House Blend. But I've also started putting some whip cream and chocolate into some stronger coffee to make an evening snack. Boy is that good.

Favorite TV Show/Movie:
I don't really have a favorite TV show this year, haven't really been keeping up with much. I have watched a little bit of Heroes, but it doesn't seem as good as last year. I really liked the movie Bella and would highly recommend it. You can check it out on one of my previous posts...

Favorite Album:
I loved Gullahorn's album Room to Breathe. You can check out other's favorites by reading the comments at the bottom of my last music post.

Favorite Moment:
Getting my ear pierced. Yep. I know it's strange. But that has to be my most memorable experience from this year. E-Team singing is a close second.

Favorite Scripture:
Psalm 63:3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

Favorite Photo:
I love this picture from St. Croix.

If you have a list of your favorites, feel free to put a link in the comments. Jeff got me started on this last year. Here's his list.

Thanks to those of you who have kept up with the blog over the last year. Stay tuned, I have what I think is an interesting idea for 2009. We'll see if it actually comes to pass.


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