Favorites of 2007

Here are some of my favorites from 2007:

Favorite Blog:
blog.worship.com - A variety of information. Some good freebies every now and then. I really liked the series on the Greatest Need of the American Church.

Favorite Coffee: (I started drinking coffee back in October)
Maxwell House French Roast - though I just had some Kenya from my Starbucks Sampler - Thanks Crystal - and it runs a close second. I really like the Nestle French Vanilla Creamer too.

Favorite TV Show:
Heroes. This has been the first year that I can remember watching so little TV. Our life is so crazy now that we don't follow any particular show anymore. But I have been following Heroes online. I think I'm addicted.

Favorite Album:
United We Stand - Hillsong United. This one's not even close. I love Hillsong United and I can still listen to this album over and over. I still think that in Heaven everyone will have an Australian accent.

Favorite Moment:
I'm afraid this one's a tie. When Nancy asked the Lord into her life on Christmas Eve, that had to be one of the great moments of the year.

The other moment that comes to mind was an evening service at Camp. The evangelist preached a tremendous message on forgiveness and after the message we sang Kristian Stanfill's version of Jesus Paid it All. To hear about 80 kids singing "O praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!" was an amazing experience I will never forget.

Favorite Scripture:
The Lord's Prayer. It changed my life. I don't think I'll ever be the same. Hallowed Be Thy Name is how we should all be praying.


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