Bless Back!

Psalm 67:1-2 was our key text:
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, Selah 2 that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
We are hoping that our blessing will be used to make God's name great among all nations, starting right here in our own community. We encouraged people to treat their "blessing" as a talent. And to pray that it might be multiplied instead of buried in the ground. (Matthew 25).
As I receive stories I will be posting a few on this blog and the rest at
I have already received a fantastic story and I had to share it.
One of the ladies in our church had an idea for her $5 almost as soon as she received it. She told me that she had to pray about it first, but she was very excited. I received a call this morning about her blessing - and I was blessed just to hear how God was already at work.
This lady went to her work place and was very concerned about one of her co-workers. This particular co-worker had been through a rough period in her life and yesterday seemed to only add fuel to the fire. She had very little income for gas and for food, and to top it off she received two traffic tickets. We've all had those moments where we wondered if it could get any worse. Well, our church friend found out about the need and shared with some of her co-workers her Bless Back Challenge. Through the generosity of other co-workers they were able to raise $115 dollars and some groceries for their friend in need.
I was blown away!
Once again it's amazing what God can do with little if we will give it to him. Please continue to pray for this situation, that this dear person will be able to find the grace of God in the midst of her hurting. And stay tuned for more Bless Back stories.