Happy & Sad?

Can you be both happy and sad? This seems where I find myself this week. I'm still in Romans 12 in my devotions today. And this verse is the one that pops out to me.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

This is a time of year that I do a lot of rejoicing. I know for some the holidays are sad time, but for most they truly are the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year". I am looking forward to spending time with my family and my kids and hopefully I'll get to see a few nieces and nephews as well. I love rejoicing together. We just love to be together. The Lord has been so good to our family.

But this past weekend my wife lost her Grandad. It has been very hard, partly because it came as a shock. He was in relatively good health. When I think about my wife's family - I hurt and cry because this is so hard on them. Grandad was so important to so many.

I think the Lord tells us to rejoice and mourn - because it's one way of turning attention away from ourselves to others who need to be loved. And I think he also tells us this that we might connect with people who are far from God and bring them closer to Him.

Lord, give me grace to rejoice and to mourn and to even do both at almost the same time when you call me to. Thank you for putting people in my life to connect with. You have been so good to me.


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