You Gotta Hear This

I'm going to try and start posting new music that I find on Tuesdays. I'll also try to post the set that our praise team did the previous Sunday. If you have something new that you really like, please let me know about it. I love to share great music.

For the first Music Tuesday - I'm already cheating. I haven't bought the CD, but I listened to the samples on iTunes and listened to the song Yesterday, Today, Forever by Vicky Beeching on Youtube.

Set List for Sunday Morning December 30th:
Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Holy is the Lord
How Great is our God
We Fall Down

Sunday Night:
Trading My Sorrows
Love the Lord
Shout to the Lord
Lord I Give You Me


Unknown said…
Love this song, Travis! Thanks for sharing it. Karine Bauch (Tanner Trails Community Church)

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