Pretty Girls and Proverbs 31
From my reading today... Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. This phrase really sticks in my head thanks to a Kim Hill song of the late 80's. But I guess you didn't need to know that. So on to the question... Is it right to celebrate beauty in our wives and daughters? Can you defend this biblically? The other day my wife was bragging on the beauty of our daughter. Though I'm sure we are prejudiced, she is a pretty girl. If I want her to strive to be godly, am I sending conflicting messages by praising her beauty instead of praising her character? Our culture has elevated the value of image so high and Photoshop has not helped. Beauty is defined and redefined time and again. How do we raise our young girls in this image-crazed society to focus on their character instead of their hair?