Afraid of Nothing but God.

It's easy to fear. Fear often surrounds us. But this verse in Romans 8 really encouraged me about this.

Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;

When the mind of the sinful man steps in, we begin to live in light of death instead of life. We live out of fear. We fear dying. We fear people's opinions. We fear everything and instead of risk-taking, we crawl into our shell of fear.

If we have the Spirit our mind should be about life. Real LIFE!. Eternal Life. Peace that surpasses understanding. Pray that the Spirit of God would control your thinking, and that you would be afraid of nothing. Nothing but God that is.

Lord, please forgive me when my fear controls my life rather than your Spirit. You have been so gracious to me!

After posting this item, I found a great story that sums up the point. You can check it out here...


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