Troubled. Obama and Warren Part 2.

(See Part 1 here)

Here's the other thing that is really bothering me... I'm not sure how to handle this tension of morality vs. freedom. "Do the right thing" vs. "Everyone should be free to live as they please as long it doesn't hurt someone else."

I know this is no new question, but how do we live the Christ-like life in a pluralist/democratic environment? I am a sinner, I try to err on the side of grace. I don't want people to feel judged and condemned, I want them to feel loved. I am a Christian, I must obediently live and speak the truth. I can't compromise the gospel and I need to be clear about truth of Christ in my speaking.

I need to serve and to speak. This is a both/and proposition, not an either/or proposition.

If I have an unbelieving friend who is living in an adulterous relationship, can we still be friends? I think I can still be friendly, and loving, and do my best to keep the lines of communication open. I think I can still be a good friend. But will they think much of my friendship if I say that their relationship is wrong?

How can you tell someone that you believe their choices are wrong, and yet have them feel loved in the process? I've had my choices questioned before, and I usually didn't feel "loved." I felt criticized, judged, marginalized, but not usually loved.

This is hard stuff.

This will probably be what divides this nation, if the truth speakers keep speaking.

Is there a way to "stand for truth" and still find respect among civil and reasonable people with dissenting opinions? I would like to think there is. But I'm not sure that respect is always reasonable to expect.

Do you respect a racist? Would you sit down and have a nice chat with your good buddy from the Aryan Nation or the KKK? Maybe you would. Would they want to sit down and have coffee with you?

From what I'm hearing in the media - this is how some are viewing Warren and other Christians who feel that homosexuality is wrong. They think that people with this viewpoint are just like the racists of the 50's and 60's and their views should not be tolerated. They should be scolded, marginalized, and even laughed at, but their viewpoints should not be in the mainstream.

Welcome to the 21st Century in America. I'm afraid Bible believing Christians have a difficult task ahead. Don't expect respect. I don't think it's coming.


Jeff Myers said…
I'm afraid if the only reason we are building bridges and caring for the sick and poor is to change our reputation, it will all be for nothing. It's not our reputation we should be concerned about. Our job is to make the name of Jesus famous - not ours. Our job is to be Jesus to a hurting world because Jesus commanded it, not for P.R. reasons.

The church has started to make some movements in the right direction, but until it is for the right reasons, we've got more than an image issue. The media may never applaud our work, but that's not the reason it needs to be done. Im reminded of when Jesus healed the 10 lepers, but only 1 returned to give thanks. The thing that blows me away is that Jesus didn't take the healing away from the other 9.
Unknown said…
Great point.

We live that the Lord's name may be Hallowed. Regardless.

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