
Why are we so afraid?
  • Afraid of what people think?
  • Afraid of what someone may say?
  • Afraid of failure?
  • Afraid of death?
  • Afraid of doing the right thing? Afraid of doing the wrong thing?
  • Afraid of who we really are inside?
We should be afraid. But only of God.
Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Lord, please help me to fear you and you alone.


Jon Cannon said…
Hi Travis,

I just found your blog...looks really nice! I will be sure to check in on Tuesdays for the "free" music. I'm always on the search for anything "free!"

And you're correct, the Lord is the only One we should fear! Happy blogging!


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