"Simple" by Rob Morgan - Assurance (Part 1)

I think we are going to really enjoy this book by Rob Morgan. In case you don't have a copy you can get one from Randall House. When I was at FWBBC in Nashville, I was able to sit under Rob's preaching. Some people have a good sermon every now and then, but Pastor Morgan had one every Sunday. He is a tremendously gifted speaker. He's not too shabby at writing either.

His book SIMPLE, the Christian life doesn't have to be complicated, breaks down steps in Christianity into ABCD & E.

A = Assurance
B = Baptism
C = Church
D = Devotions
E = Evangelism

In Chapter 1, Rob helps us answer this question: Can we know without a shadow of a doubt that we are going to heaven when we die?

The Short Answer: Yes!

I'm not sure this is the most important question, but I'm still working on my next "Get Saved or Get Lost!" post. Hopefully I can address the "Most Important Question" there.
Rob gives a variety of examples of people who lack assurance. And though there are many people who lack assurance, the Apostle Paul was not one of them.

2 Timothy 1:12 says, "Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day."

Rob points out three important things about assurance.
  1. Assurance isn't about how you "FEEL." This is something that so many young people need to hear.
  2. Assurance isn't a matter of having the exact time and place of your decision or conversion. Again, I've dealt with people who have battled this. I think this will be an encouragment to some folks.
  3. It is possible to have a false assurance. This is what pastors fear the most. Giving someone false assurance that they are "in." We must tread carefully here.
In order to have assurance, Pastor Morgan reminds us of two important questions:
  1. Do you KNOW Christ.
  2. Do you KNOW that you know Christ.
He will answer these questions using two texts from the apostle John. In the first chapter he starts with

John 20:30-31:30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

From this text he points out three very important truths regarding assurance:
  1. Our Salvation Is Centered In Christ -Notice from this passage the emphasis on Jesus as the Christ, and Jesus as the Son of God.
  2. Our Salvation Is Conveyed Through Scripture -Notice from this passage "these are written." God chose to give us these truths in written form.
  3. Our Salvation Is Claimed By Faith -Notice from this passage and 100 more places in the book of John the word "believe."
Rob concludes with a time-tested illustration of saving faith and a reminder that saving faith is often expressed simply through prayer.

Have you jumped into the wheelbarrow?


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