This Sunday we looked at the Rich Farmer from Luke 12. We had some good discussion after the message as to whether the Rich Fool's main problem was his greed or his arrogance. I'm sure he had issues with both.

I find it striking that when Jesus addresses the crowd after the brother fighting for his inheritance has questioned the Lord, that Jesus makes two strong statements:
15 Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

Basically, "Watch out for greed" and "Remember that the value of life isn't about the value of stuff."

The whole series on money has really got me thinking. What should be the deciding factors in our use of material wealth and resources? A couple questions have been working on me so far...

1. If what I have isn't being used for God's Glory, then why am I keeping it?
2. Do I need this?

How do you decide if you should by "that" car or "this" TV? How do you decide whether or not to let your kids get the Xbox or the iPod? What are the determining factors in whether you buy or not?

My fear is that the American Church is no better than the Rich Fool. We are so busy building bigger barns, that we don't even see the needs of our own communities.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these things.


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