Links of the Week - January 26th, 2008

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. " -- Herm Albright(1876 - 1944)

  • A good reminder about being real from Tony Morgan

  • If you like indie music, you better make sure you have about a half a day to kill before clicking on this link. Some of the most interesting music I've seen in a long time. This puts a whole new spin on the idea of music videos. LaBlogotheque has an English site as well.

  • Interesting pro's and con's of satellites vs. church plants.

  • An oldie but a goodie. Scot Mcknight looks at Biblical Interpretation. Is it a timeless truth, a truth that has lost its time, or one that most Christians can't agree on? Does your church practice the holy kiss? I know that some still do. Our church does practice feetwashing.

  • There is still some free music up for grabs. If nobody guesses the riddle, I'll post the answer on Tuesday.


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