Music Tuesday - Shane and Shane

So far my favorite songs are the 3 acoustic songs at the end of the Album.
- Before the Throne of God - An awesome hymn with incredible lyrics. They add a chorus to it that just rings and makes you want to praise the Lord at the top of your lungs.
- We Love You Jesus - I love the intro to this song. This is the kind of song you just need to roll your windows down, turn up the volume and let the whole world know you love the Lord.
- Beg - The reason why I bought the album. This song is a cry for God to break into to our lives and to push aside the sweet frames and make us totally dependent upon Him. It's also known by the name - I bake for you to moo...
So here's my Tuesday surprise. The first 3 people to email me, (first come first serve) I'll send you one of the songs off of this album that you choose through an iTunes gift. If you don't use iTunes this probably won't do you much good. In the email subject type "Shane and Shane Music Giveaway." Then in the body, just let me know which song you want. I'll reply to the winners letting them know they will be receiving the iTunes gift song. Below I will post the first name of the winners so if there are 3 names there you'll know that all the music is gone.
1. Tia
2. Tim
3. Scott
Sunday Morning Setlist from Calvary:
This is the Day/I Will Call Upon the Lord
Victory in Jesus
All in All
I Love You Lord / My Jesus I Love Thee