You Can't Even Give Away This Stuff

I was really excited about my post on Tuesday, and I thought for sure as soon as I posted that I'd have people lining up to get a song for free. (By the way, if anyone else wants to try something like this sometime let me know - I love getting free music.)

But that hasn't happened. As a matter a fact - I've only given away one song, and mainly gave that one away, I think because one of my friends was "taking care of the preacher."

So either...
  1. People don't care much for Shane and Shane - which is hard for me to believe. But you know how it is -- something you think is fabulous, someone else may not care for at all.
  2. People don't like iTunes all that much. It's great if you have an iPod, but how many rich snobs get to own one of those? Sorry, Tia, Corey, Brooklyn, and any other rich snobs I may have just offended. :)
  3. Nobody is reading this blog. If a blogger posts in a forest and no one is around to read it... well you get the idea.
My guess is it's probably number 3. There's not a ton of you out there reading this blog, but I'm working on improving things. Hopefully this will get better.

By the way - I still have 2 songs left to giveaway. So if you are a tree in the forest, give me a holler, I'll try to find something on the Shane and Shane album that you like.


Tim Lewis said…
I'd love to get a free song! I was simply, humbly, allowing you to give them to your church members! Just the sort of spiritual guy that I am!

Unknown said…
You Win!

I love to give spiritual music to spiritual guys!


I think I have your email - if you don't receive an email from me shortly, send one to me at


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