Trading My Sorrows

One of the most wonderful things happened today at church. Our worship leader asked for some kids to come up on stage and sing "Trading My Sorrows". Unfortunately, no one came so he told them to sing loud from their seats. Then as we began the song, a little boy stepped out of his pew and without any prompting came up on stage and stood. He didn't know the words, and didn't know the motions, but he answered the call.

Our guitar player then decided she didn't want him to be alone on the stage so she left her guitar and went over to sing with him and to help him with the motions to the song. And then it happened. Another little girl came up to the stage to join in. Then another. Then a bunch of kids were on the stage singing and doing the motions to the song and the whole crowd was singing and some were even clapping, which is highly unusual for us. It was totally spontaneous and totally refreshing at the same time. The courage of one little boy, inspired the entire congregation.

The sermon today was on living life with passion and taking the risk of faith. There couldn't have been a better example than the faith of the little boy. I will not soon forget the sight of little children coming one at a time to share in singing praise to God.

I'm Trading my sorrows...I'm laying them down for the Joy of the Lord. That Joy filled our hearts today!


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