Making the Most of Your Meeting

I'm really proud to work with the guys on the Illinois Mission Board. We're pretty far spread out. One member of our board is from Chicago, one from over by St. Louis, and the others in between. It's not easy for us to meet face to face, and it's not cheap either.

But today the guys on the Board took a shot at using Skype for a conference call. The call clarity wasn't bad for the most part. It's not the same as a face to face meeting, but it has a big upside...

1. We saved a ton of time. For most of us meeting face to face means about 4-5 hours in traveling time.

2. We saved money. A normal meeting often costs over $500 in mileage and expenses. The Skype teleconference was free so we saved the mileage expense and we weren't out any money for the call either.

I'm sure that we'll still meet face to face as needed, but this looks like a pretty good solution for meeting and saving some money and some minutes.


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