Friday is for Photos - Victory
(Click on the image to see a higher resolution picture)

I love this picture on so many levels. This guy is in my Sunday School Class, so that makes me a little partial. His van broke down on the way to NYC this year, but by the grace of God he made it in time to compete. He's amazingly gifted, but contrary to what you might perceive from this picture, he is truly humble. He's just a bit of a character.
I think they were getting ready to leave so he already had his traveling clothes on. Flip Flops, shorts (knee-length of course), and an exposed mid-riff -- I'm surprised some Truth and Peacer didn't tackle him as soon as he made it to the stage. :)
Best of all he got a trophy that I believe said something like - It's not about me!
Gotta love Free Will Baptists!