Walking with the Devil

Something in Job chapter 2 intrigued me...

Job 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.”

I think I usually think of Satan watching us from somewhere, but I don't really think of him walking among us. But if the truth were known, he probably still walks on this earth seeking whom he may devour.

This reminded me of an old Andy Gullahorn song I heard this week called If I Were...

If I were the devil I wouldn’t wear red. I wouldn’t have horns or a pitchfork. I wouldn’t breathe fire cause it might give me away. But if I were the devil you’d never know. I’d befriend you quick and corrupt you slow so you don’t notice until its far too late.

If I were the devil. If I were the devil.

If I were the devil I’d spend all day lowering standards of what’s okay to think to say to watch on your tv. I’d break down the value of promises kept and fade out truth till there’s nothing left except gossip and lies popping up as thick as weeds.

If I were the devil, If I were the devil.

I might not be as foreign as you think cause I wouldn’t always show my evil side. I’ve got the time and patience just to wait and steal your soul just one sin at a time. Like I would if I were.

No I’m not the devil but if I was, I’d take God’s people and split them up to keep their minds off who they’re called to be. So they’re no longer fighting over living or dead its is it the body or just bread while all the unfed die hungry on the street.

If I were the devil, If I were the devil

I’d make moms and dads who never stick around. Pain so bad you have to drink to drown. And guilt so I can kick you when you’re down. And I would if I were.

If I were the devil I wouldn’t wear red. I wouldn’t breathe fire cause it might give me away.


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