It's Not About Me...

One of my friends, who'll remain anonymous at least for the moment, made a comment about my Music Tuesday posts. He said, "Why aren't any of the songs you highlight in your Music Tuesday posts in your weekly setlists?" Here's my answer...

It's not about me!

We went over this a little bit on Sunday in the sermon. If I was having a worship service just for myself, I would do a bunch of the songs that I have highlighted on Tuesdays. But not all of those songs work in a worship context, and even for those that do, a new song a week might be a bit much.

On the other hand, we have done Hillsong's Mighty to Save the past two Sunday Nights at church. We have also done At the Foot of the Cross as special music. I also played Hear our Prayers as invitation music for our One Prayer series. And this past Sunday we did By His Wounds off of the Glory Revealed album for communion.

And when I led worship at camp a few weeks ago we did Before the Throne (man is that song high), To the Only God, Revelation 19 & Captivated. I was so close to doing Leeland's Beautiful Lord, but we had already done so many new songs, I didn't want to wear out the campers.

So when you see that the setlist doesn't match the Music Tuesday highlights don't be fooled. I am worshipping with a lot of these songs, just not always in our local church.

What songs do you like for personal worship that maybe you don't sing in church?


Jon Cannon said…
Hi Brother Travis,

I enojoyed reading this particular post because it comes really close to what I struggle with in our worship service each week at Victory.

I find myself constantly telling myself, "It's not about me," especially on Sunday mornings. Why? Well, for one I was raised with Southern Gospel music and traditional hymns. Sometimes it is really difficult for me to connect in worship with the more contemporary style of worship. Now, don't get me wrong, there are some contemporary songs that really move me to worship, but all-in-all it's the more traditional hymns and southern gospel tunes that stir my spirit.

Last weekend we took Tyler to the FWBBC and worshipped with them in the chapel Sunday morning. One of the senior girls led worship and did a GREAT job! One of the songs she sang in her worship set was the old, old traditional hymn "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood." Wow! When we were done singing that song, I found myself broken before the Lord and so thankful for Him shedding His blood for me. I was literally moved to tears.

My point is, "It's not about me." Even in the church I planted and pastor, I would prefer hymns and Southern Gospel music, but that does not meet the spiritual needs of those we are reaching in the Metro-East.

One final thing to share with you, I thoroughly enjoyed you as a "worship leader" at Camp Hope this summer! You did an outstanding job leading those teenagers to the Throne in worship! On a scale from 1-10, I give you a 10! You were right on target.

Thanks for all you do.

Jon Cannon
Unknown said…

Thanks for all of those enouraging words. I wish I could bring those campers back with me! I could listen to them sing Revelation 19 over and over again.

Cainan & Ryker said…
It is a wise worship leader that recognizes that not every song on the radio (or on his ipod) is right for corporate worship.

Good Job!

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