Music Tuesday - Paul Baloche

I think I'm getting addicted to Paul Baloche's instructional guitar videos. They really fit my current skill level. Just enough to almost be dangerous. You can find some clips of Paul on youtube, but you'll find most of his stuff on

Paul wrote Open the Eyes of My Heart, and Above All. I also really like Hosanna and All the Earth will Sing Your Praises.

I think my favorite instructional video is Your Name. It is just plain beautiful. There's another one on youtube as well. But I like the first one better.

Some other clips you may want your worship leader to check out...

  1. My Worship Team Won't Practice...
  2. Worship Band Workshop...
  3. Performance vs. Worship Leading...
  4. Introducing a New Song in Church...

Tuesday Giveaway:
First person to reply can get their pick of any Paul Baloche song as an iTunes gift.

1. Jeff

Calvary Setlist for August 24th
Come Now is the Time to Worship
I Love to Tell the Story
All in All
By His Wounds
We Fall Down


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