Music Tuesday - 7 Essential Songs for Easter

Ok. I know that Easter is "over." But one of the ladies on our praise team keeps talking about this album 7 Essential Songs for Easter. It is full of tremendous music. It starts with New Life Worship shouting out "My Savior Lives." I wish we had done this one on Easter Sunday. I have enjoyed the whole My Savior Lives Album.

It also has a couple of Paul Baloche songs on it. All the Earth will Sing Your Praises we sang this fall at our Praise and Worship workshop and I can't wait to do this one again. Kathryn Scott's At the foot of the Cross is also "essential."

Hillsong's Worthy is the Lamb is one of our church's favorites too. This really is a good album. You may have one or two of these songs already, but be sure to check out the rest.

You can watch New Life sing My Savior Lives on Youtube.

Tuesday Giveway...
You know the routine by now. The first one to reply will get their pick of a song from the album through an iTunes gift. The winner will be posted below.


Calvary Setlist for April 13th:
Come Now is the Time to Worship
Everlasting God
I Stand Amazed
Jesus Paid it All


Kari said…
How do I try for the give away, what do I reply with?
Unknown said…

You win. Just send me an email ( letting me know which song you want, and I'll send it your way!

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