Will there be ESPN in Heaven?

This may have been one of the most enjoyable messages of this series so far. We finally started trying to answer some of the questions about the New Heaven and the New Earth.

I have about a million questions, but Randy Alcorn has done a good job discussing many of them. What will the city be like? How large is it? Will there be time in Heaven? What about animals and pets? What will the land look like? What about the great river?

Thinking about these things has really made me long to see what the Lord has in store. I know that there is much more to life than just waiting for Heaven. But as heaven appears even more "sweet" it pushes me to please the Lord with every moment he has given me.

Sometime later this week I hope to address the question: "What kind of Coffee will be served in the New Jerusalem." :)

As for ESPN, I don't know Stuart Scott's eschatology, but I doubt we will be staring at his image or shouting "en fuego" on the streets of gold. But Alcorn in his book on heaven makes a really good case for sports in heaven. Athletics were not a result of the curse. And it makes good sense that our bodies will be designed to walk, run, kick, throw, etc...

I am looking forward to seeing what other games people played over the life of this old earth, and what God my have in store for His New Creation. If you want to check out the whole sermon head over to www.calvaryfreewill.com and click on Sermon Audio at the top.


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