Links of the Week - April 12th, 2008

Not too many good links this week, but I have a few items of interest. Just a reminder there is still a free Robbie Seay song out there if anyone wants it!

On to the links...

  • Jeff Myers shared a story about a creative way to interact and encourage your community. I hope that we can find some creative ways to share Christ in our community.
  • Some people have life verses. I think this may be my life quote...
"The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time." -- Nietzsche
  • CNN has a story about a baby with two faces. They are building a temple in this town because of the baby and they are worshipping the baby.
  • LifeChurch has the OnePrayer website up. We are praying about joining this specific endeavor.
  • The Shift conference looks incredibly interesting to me. You can follow the discussion on Out of Ur. You can find a pretty good discussion of some specific "shifts" here.
  • Kruse has an excellent quote about politicians who desire to show compassion.
  • Speaking of politicians did you see this?
  • I've been working with our local Pregnancy Care Clinic on their website. Check out the video clip and let me know what you think.


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