Eggspecting Great Things...
You can read all about this event in the Yuma Sun. Make sure to check out the comments. It appears the most of the commenters were glad that someone in the community would try to put on an event for the kids, but they were highly disappointed in greedy parents. You can also check out a video of the event as well.
My friend Jason is up to something crazy again. (The list of all his crazy things will have to wait for another post.) What I love about Jason is his desire to connect with his community in any way that he can to share the love of Christ.
I actually have an egg hunt story of my own.
I must have been about 6 or 7 years old when I attempted my first egg hunt. I had worked so hard on decorating my eggs exactly how I wanted them. (I still have creative control problems!) On Sunday afternoon after church I went over to my childhood sweetheart's house. Her older brother hid the eggs and then we went out searching. I am horrible at finding anything, let alone eggs, but I found a few. She found all the rest, by far eclipsing my measly sum. When we were done, I started to give her eggs back and of course expected to get mine back too. I had worked so hard at decorating them, but she didn't give them back.
Thus began a life of bitterness over egg hunts.
I started to put a ton of egg puns in this story, but I found someone who has done a much better
Jason would like for everyone to pray. This event is growing by the minute. (As of Friday afternoon they have registered over 4000 kids. They are looking for 8,000 to 10,000 attenders.) There is a tremendous opportunity for lives to be touched.
Jason called and said they had 7000 show up today. Everyone was safe - that was a big answer to prayer. Please pray about tomorrow as well. Here's a picture...

Here's what he would have us to pray for...

They are putting together the biggest egg drop in Yuma history. They are going to have a ton of people at their event and then invite them to their Sunday Easter services. Please pray that God will use this event to bring people to Him.
See the "updates" section below for more information about the event as it unfolds.
I actually have an egg hunt story of my own.
I must have been about 6 or 7 years old when I attempted my first egg hunt. I had worked so hard on decorating my eggs exactly how I wanted them. (I still have creative control problems!) On Sunday afternoon after church I went over to my childhood sweetheart's house. Her older brother hid the eggs and then we went out searching. I am horrible at finding anything, let alone eggs, but I found a few. She found all the rest, by far eclipsing my measly sum. When we were done, I started to give her eggs back and of course expected to get mine back too. I had worked so hard at decorating them, but she didn't give them back.
Thus began a life of bitterness over egg hunts.
I started to put a ton of egg puns in this story, but I found someone who has done a much better
job. If you like egg puns you might want to check out Eggscrutiating Puns...
The event has been covered by the Yuma Sun. (The article states "If Jesus were alive..." Sounds like the reporter needs an introduction to the living Savior. )
Jason would like for everyone to pray. This event is growing by the minute. (As of Friday afternoon they have registered over 4000 kids. They are looking for 8,000 to 10,000 attenders.) There is a tremendous opportunity for lives to be touched.
Jason called and said they had 7000 show up today. Everyone was safe - that was a big answer to prayer. Please pray about tomorrow as well. Here's a picture...
Here's what he would have us to pray for...
We will be advertising heavily our service on Sunday. Here is what I need from you to pray for:
1. Pray for good weather (I know we live in Yuma where the sun always shines, but wind and sand could affect things)
2. Pray for safety - with this many people, we want it to be accident free.
3. Pray for everything to run smoothly.
4. Pray for people's hearts to be touched by the generosity and kindness of God.
5. Pray for more salvation decisions then we have ever had on Easter Sunday
6. Pray for God's anointing to be upon us as we hold our service on Easter
The Vertical Church had one salvation decision this Sunday with many visitors. Please continue to pray for Jason and Danny and all the people out in Yuma working so hard to bring others to Christ.