The Day the Music Died

Swamped. That about sums it up.

Hopefully I'll get some time to listen to some new music soon. Until then...

Tuesday Giveaway:
I'll give away a copy of Don McLean's American Pie The Day the Music Died to the first person to post or reply.


Calvary Setlist for May 18th:
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Solid Rock
Made Me Glad
The Love of God


Scott Cheatham said…
I'm replying! *S* Of course I'm old enough to know who Don McClean is! And I got to hear Waylon tell me first hand how it all went down the night of that terrible crash. To hear him tell the story shortly before he died was amazing.

Unknown said…

Great story.

Your first in line if you want some free music. Just send me an email at and then I'll send you and iTunes gift song for American Pie - or if you want a differnet song, just let me know which one you want.


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