Links of the Week - May 31st, 2008
Lots of good stuff this week. First just a few reminders... I still have a song to giveaway. Check out Captivated. Second, if you haven't seen the video clip of Touching Them All, you've got to check it out. It is the epitome of sportsmanship.
Now on to the links...
Godin has a good post about playing within the spirit of the game...
- Kruse tells us that sometimes self interest is proper.
- What if Walmart ran the government?
- Piper shares some tremendous advice from Adoniram Judson...
- Is August really the new September?
- Second best quote of the week:
There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but
it's good." - Stephen Colbert
- Best quote of the week: (from Crystal's son)

"Hey, one nice sunny day in a row."
- Ed Stetzer interview Mark Dever. An interesting combination.
- Russell more tries to move us beyond a Veggie Tales Gospel. (HT: Challies)