Friday is for Photos - Play Ball

Play Ball
(Click on the image to see a higher resolution picture)
It's that time of year again. I'm not quite up to par yet, but shooting little league baseball is one of my favorite things to do. If I get a chance later in the summer I'll try to build a small gallery, but here's some interesting shots from the first few games of the season...

Wind 'er up...

Hold the line...

Look out below...

I bet that guy can really limbo...

This one's for your mom...

How do they get their arms to do that?


Steven J said…
I must say, those are some AWESOME! pictures. Great action pics. I want a camera that can do that. haha...

Really though. They look professional. To me at least.
Unknown said…
Thanks. This is probably my favorite thing to photograph. Hopefully it comes through in the pictures.

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