Friday is for Photos - Home of Popeye

Home of Popeye
(Click on the image to see a higher resolution picture)

I had a really enjoyable Friday this week. That's part of the reason why the Friday Photos is late. My daughter has been in a school academic competition in Chester, IL and I decided to do a little sight seeing. I didn't know that Chester was the home of Popeye, but after one visit, it is thoroughly etched into my memory.

There were Popeye statues, gift shops, signs, murals and the works. I don't think I've ever seen so much about this sailor in my life.

Here's his statue right next to the Mississippi River...

Here's a shot of the mural downtown...

If you ever get a chance to go to Chester, you'll also need to check out the view from Fort Kaskaskia. This picture really doesn't do it justice. You'll just have to see it for yourself.

If you want to see some more of Chester, you can check out my Picasa Gallery.


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