Accountability Survey

I found this accountability survey thanks to the Desiring God Blog. It is meant for pastors, but I think much of it can and should apply to all believers.

Here's the survey...
1. How are you doing in the following areas?
Your consistency in satisfying personal devotions.
Your battling against ungodlythoughts (unbelief, bitterness, resentment, lust, pride, jealousy,covetousness, racism, etc.)
Your energy for the week ahead.
Your feelings of effectiveness in your pastoral role.
2. Weekly R&R modules* invested:
3. Did you work on the Fighter Verse early in the week?
4. Did you take a day off this past week (three consecutive R&R modules*)?
(If no, how to you plan to compensate for it in the near future?)
5. Have I been with a man or woman in the past week in a way that could be viewed as compromising?
6. Have any of my financial dealings failed to be filled with integrity?
7. Have I viewed sexually explicit material?
8. Have I neglected to give appropriate time to my family?
9. Is there any thing that you would like me or the pastoral staff to pray with you about or hold you accountable for or rejoice over (significant stresses, temptations, or joys)?
10. Do you have any items for the agenda of the next pastors’ meeting?
11. How is your family joy and harmony?
12. Assess your eating and exercise this past week:
13. Report honoraria you have received since the last report.

This resource was created by Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN.
* For the purpose of time invested into ministry and time off for rest and family, the pastors split the each day into 3 Rest & Rejuvenation modules (morning, afternoon, & evening) or 21 modules a week. They have pledged to take off 7-10 R&R modules a week, and to take off 3 of these modules consecutively (to fulfill a Sabbath principle). Most pastors take their Sabbath on Fridays, and choose 4-7 other modules a week to take off. For the full explanation, see the Policy Handbook, 2.50 Office Hours, Work Schedules, & Locations, available under Resources at

Who is holding you accountable?


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