Music Tuesday - Led Like a Lamb

One of my favorite websites for learning new music is Vineyard's Songteach. You can download instructional videos that teach you how to play the songs, and they have chord charts for every song they teach through the videos. And of course it is all free! It doesn't get much better than this.

This past week they came out with a new song entitled Led Like a Lamb. After you sign into the website, you can watch the video. You can download the chord chart here . There is also a free .mp3 of the song, but I didn't like the mp3 as much as I liked the video. If you want, you can download the video, the mp3 and the chord chart all in one resource pack.

Tuesday Giveaway:
This week it's your choice. Since this mp3 is already free, let me know if there is another song you like and the first person to email me will receive and iTunes gift song. If you need some recommendations, here are some vineyard songs I really like...

Hungry - Rachel Milstead
Sweetly Broken - Jeremy Riddle
Invitacion Fountain - Greg Hjelle

This week's winner:
1. Jason

Calvary Setlist from Sunday February 17th:
Praise the Name of Jesus
He Has Made Me Glad
At the Cross
How Great is Our God / How Great Thou Art


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