Music Tuesday - Jadon Lavik

Talk about hot off the presses - Jadon Lavik 's latest is released today.

Sometimes you just need something a little bit "lite." Many of you may be familiar with Jadon's What If. It had a lot of radio play. I also enjoyed his version of Nothing But the Blood.

This album - Roots Run Deep - has a great feel to it. Just listen to the songs on his website. He has a very interesting rendition of Amazing Grace and I love his version of Blessed Assurance.

If you've had a little too much Switchfoot or United, (can you have too much United?) this might be a nice change of pace.

I also found some free music downloads this week thanks to Tony Morgan. You can get the downloads over at You will have to give away all your personal information and your firstborn. (Why do they insist on taking so much info?) Anyway, if you want to walk through the form, you can then login and download some free music.

A local worship leader put me on to the Afters - HT: Jeremy from Grace. (BTW, if you like the Grace website, let me know - I helped build it. If you don't like it, well what can I say...I built it.)


The After's music is full of life. I hope I enjoy this next project as much. You can also get a free Addison Road song and a Laura Story song from the Freeccm site.

Tuesday Giveaway:
The first person that responds can have their pick of any Jadon Lavik song from iTunes. Winner will be noted below.

No takers, this deal is over.

Calvary Setlist for February 24th:
Come Now is the Time to Worship
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
I Exalt Thee


Christina said…
The Afters are going to be at Agapefest in Greenville this year. I really like them. I think David Crowder is going to be there, too.
Unknown said…
I really hope I get to hear Crowder live one of these days. I enjoy listening to him even if he is a little "strange" to some.

If you get your hands on a copy of the Afters new album, drop me a line and you can do a guest review. :)
Christina said…
I saw David Crowder two years ago and I really liked his show. Yeah, it was "different," (keytar?) but I really enjoyed it. I hope you can see them sometime.

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